
A person I admire

A person I admire is Masahiko Harada. He is a coach of the ski jump in Yukijirushi company . He became very famous at Lillehammer Olympic and Nagano Olympic , also he left many legends.When I was a elementary school student, Nagano Olympic was hold. My hometown is Nagano, so I feel kinship with Harada very much.
He was called" happy Harada" when he was a skier, because he was always smile , said humor, and friendly to fans and reporters. Actually he is a very serious and honest person. He has never make complaint about anything, and just tried to develop his skill.
When he missed his jump in Lillehanmmer Olympic, he was bashed heavily and also someone sent him hate mails , he and his familly were under the big pressure. He also felt very sorry to his teammates because the game was team match. However he never gave up. He and his teammates won in Nagano Olympic at last!!!
After that, his condition got worse again and he hasn't get any victory, but he is still famous as" A man who do great things in big situations."
People who don't know him so much might think that he is just weak man and he gloss over it with laughing, but I don't think so!!! He afflicted and worked hard behind his smile.
In his late interview, he said,"When I was bashed, received many hate mail and disappointed myself, many cheerful letters and messages encourage me greatly, I could hold on. Now it's my turn to encourage people."
I think he is a real strong man and a great person!!!!

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