
A person I admire

A person I admire is Masahiko Harada. He is a coach of the ski jump in Yukijirushi company . He became very famous at Lillehammer Olympic and Nagano Olympic , also he left many legends.When I was a elementary school student, Nagano Olympic was hold. My hometown is Nagano, so I feel kinship with Harada very much.
He was called" happy Harada" when he was a skier, because he was always smile , said humor, and friendly to fans and reporters. Actually he is a very serious and honest person. He has never make complaint about anything, and just tried to develop his skill.
When he missed his jump in Lillehanmmer Olympic, he was bashed heavily and also someone sent him hate mails , he and his familly were under the big pressure. He also felt very sorry to his teammates because the game was team match. However he never gave up. He and his teammates won in Nagano Olympic at last!!!
After that, his condition got worse again and he hasn't get any victory, but he is still famous as" A man who do great things in big situations."
People who don't know him so much might think that he is just weak man and he gloss over it with laughing, but I don't think so!!! He afflicted and worked hard behind his smile.
In his late interview, he said,"When I was bashed, received many hate mail and disappointed myself, many cheerful letters and messages encourage me greatly, I could hold on. Now it's my turn to encourage people."
I think he is a real strong man and a great person!!!!


A person I respect

A person I respect is the singer, Maaya Sakamoto. She is around as not only a singer but also as a dubber and as a actress on the stage. She has beautiful voice and has great talent to write lyrics.
Recently, she voiced over at the planetarium show. End of the show, a sing "universe", which was written by her, was played. This song descripted her feelings about lives. For example, people, animals, everything in the earth always have sad and happy feeling. We all live in the same plant...and so on. Of course, real lyrics has more deep words! Any way, I and maybe everyone in the hall moved by the lyrics...
She is always working seriously. In her interview, she always tell us about her works. When I listen it, I feel that she works really really seriously and happyly!!
She has a great talent and she lead a full life with seriouse thougt about her work. So I really envy and respect her!!



Yesterday, I went to Shinjyuku to meet my friends. We hadn't met each other for a long time, so we were so excited when we met at ticket gate! !

We went to Karaoke.
When we go to Karaoke, I always feel as if I were in the little concert hall. They are good at singing. Especially, one of them is a student of vocal music course!!! She is a very very good singer!! So I can't help clapping my hands!
They are not only good singers but also good tellers and listners. I spent really good time with them.


Today's horror

I don't want to go home today because of "something" in my room.
This morning, I heard strange sound from closet.
I was sure the sound wasn't from neighbor because it was very loud and strange sound like flap of a bird's wings.
I felt so frighten but I opened the door of closet.
I heard sound but there is nothing.
Next the sound came from bathroom!! I opened the door, but there is nothing.

What was it!!? A mouse? A bird which lost her way?? A big cockroach??

Please leave my home......



Hello. I'm Mc. I like to see movies and dramas. Nowadays I'm seeing a drama "Super Natural" on TV. My favorite actor is playing in it! I really like him and I like this drama. But it is broadcasted at midnight, so I always get sleepy during class next day. If you interested in, please check it out!!
Now I want to go seeing movie "Spider Man 3" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3". But I don't have time to go. From this year, we students have a lot of things to do and I have to go to part-time job. I really want to go out and play with my friend!